Here is our list of large group games.
Large group games are exciting games and activities for big teams and large gatherings. Examples include Coworker Feud, Balloon Stomp, and Scavenger Hunts. These games help make large events entertaining and create healthy competition between teammates.
Large group games are similar to fun coworker games, competitive games, outdoor games for groups, indoor games for groups, large group activities, large group icebreakers, large group team building ideas, and large group energizers. These activities promote team building and positive workplace environments.

This list includes:
- party games for large groups
- big group games
- games for large groups of adults
- indoor large group games
- elimination games for large groups
Here we go!
List of large group games
From Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament to Cross the Circle to Wild Goose Chase, here is our list of fun party games for large groups.
1. Espionage! (Top Choice)
Players can compete in a high-energy challenge with Espionage! In this thrilling adventure, participants take on the roles of undercover spies and agents.
Espionage! includes:
- 90 minutes of gameplay guided by a skilled host
- tricky puzzles, challenges, and strategic maneuvers
- roles of spies and agents in a mysterious world
- team discussions to unveil secret identities and solve the mystery
Best of all, we will bring all the necessary materials to your preferred venue. Espionage! is a fast-paced and competitive way to unite your team!
Learn more about Espionage!
2. Ultimate Trivia Showdown (Popular)
With Ultimate Trivia Showdown, you can offer your staff an exhilarating team building experience! We bring a fresh perspective to this classic activity to entertain your entire team.
Here is what you can expect:
- a 90-minute adventure guided by an experienced host
- games like The Champion Challenge and Smarty Pants Ultimate Trivia
- mind-bending question rounds, games, and puzzles
- trivia questions covering categories from history to pop culture
To make planning simple, we can host this experience at any venue of your choice, and we will bring all the needed supplies. Throughout this thrilling competition, every player can showcase their knowledge. So boost your team building agenda by adding Ultimate Trivia Showdown to the mix!
Learn more about Ultimate Trivia Showdown.
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- icebreaker games
- bingo cards
- DIY guides
by teams at FedEx, Amazon, Deloitte and 73,930+ others

3. Balloon Stomp
Balloon Stomp is an energetic large group activity that teammates can play outdoors. In this game, colleagues will gather to stomp as many balloons as possible within a given timeline.
To organize this activity:
- Split the players into two opposing groups, and assign each team a color.
- Blow up 20 to 30 balloons in each of the colors.
- Find a large empty space, and set up the balloons randomly.
- Set a timer for 30 to 60 seconds.
- The players must only pop the balloons in their team color before the timer runs out.
- When the countdown ends, the team that pops more of their balloons wins the game.
This competitive game is a great way to build a collaborative workforce and encourage colleagues to help each other achieve a common goal.
4. Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament
Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament is one of the best elimination games for large groups. In this game, employees will use their hands to make signs representing a rock, paper, or scissors. The game’s rules are simple. Rock smashes scissors, paper covers rock, and scissors cut through paper.
To organize this activity:
- Split players into two teams.
- Players from opposing teams will stand across from each other.
- At the sound of a whistle, players compete in five rock-paper-scissors rounds.
- The player who wins the best three out of five hands wins the round.
- The team with the most players standing wins the tournament.
This exciting activity tests teammates’ observatory skills and pushes employees to be detail-oriented and fast.
5. Coworker Feud
Coworker Feud is one of the best large group team building games because it allows employees to get to know their colleagues better.
To organize this activity:
- Create fun survey questions, and gather answers from players.
- Split the players into two opposing teams.
- Share the survey questions and answers with the players.
- Each team must guess the given survey question’s most common answer.
- The teams get points for each correct guess.
- At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins.
Employees can use this activity as an opportunity to find out interests they share in common with colleagues. For example, employees may ask what type of pets colleagues like or their favorite movie genre.
Here is a list of Coworker Feud questions.
6. Photo Scavenger Hunt
Photo Scavenger Hunt is one of the best team building activities for large teams to play around the office. In this game, employees will race against time to find images representing their team.
To organize this activity:
- Split employees into two teams, and each team will choose an image or icon to symbolize them.
- Print several copies of each team’s image, and hide them in strategic locations in the office.
- The groups have the entire workday to find their team’s pictures.
- At the end of the workday, each team will present the number of images they found.
- The team that finds all their pictures first wins the game.
This game is a simple and fun way to test a colleague’s observatory skills and encourage workers to pay great attention to detail. Some great places to hide photos include the work printer or scanner, near the coffee machine, or on top of the vending machine.
Here are more photo scavenger hunt ideas.
7. Cross the Circle
Cross the Circle is an engaging activity that employees can use to discover interests or traits they may have in common.
In this activity:
- Draw a large circle on an open field.
- Teammates will gather inside the circle.
- The first player will share a statement, and any colleague who can relate to the statement must step out of the circle. For example, the player may say, “Step out of the circle if you have ever danced in the shower.”
- If no player steps out of the circle, then the speaker is out of the game.
- The game will continue this way until only one player remains in the circle.
Coming up with relatable prompts helps colleagues bond and develop friendships at work. Players can also use this activity to find common interests in songs, games, and movies.
8. Steal the Bacon
Steal the Bacon is one of the top competitive games for large groups of adults that folks can enjoy during gatherings or team game days. This exercise also makes one of the best indoor large group games.
To organize this activity:
- Split the players into two groups.
- Assign one player from each team the same number.
- Place a ball in the middle of each of the players.
- Yell out a random number from the teams’ number group.
- The players with the number will race toward the item in the middle, grab it, and try to run back to their team without being tagged.
- If the player who gets the item is tagged, then they do not get a point.
- If the player gets the item back to their team without being tagged, then the group gets a point.
- The team with the highest points wins the game.
This game tests employees’ wits and speed. Employees will also learn to collaborate and work better as a team.
9. Egg Drop Game
Egg Drop Game is an innovative game that encourages employees to develop new ideas and think out of the box. In this game, teammates must discover new ideas to prevent their eggs from breaking when dropped.
To organize this activity:
- Place eggs on a table.
- Each player gets one egg.
- Set a timer for four to five minutes.
- The participants must create a device that will cushion the egg when it falls onto the ground.
- If players’ ideas fail, then they are out of the game. Additionally, players lose if their egg breaks.
- The player with the most effective idea wins the competition.
This game is a brilliant way to promote creativity among workers. Colleagues can also play this game in teams to encourage players to share ideas and work together.
10. Tug-of-War
Tug-of-War is one of the best large party group games because it promotes teamwork. This activity is a test of strength, wits, and team effort.
To organize this activity:
- Split the players into two opposing groups.
- Draw a long line between each group.
- The teams will stand on either side of the line and must not touch or cross it.
- Give the teams a long rope. Each group must hold onto their end of the rope as tightly as possible.
- Set a timer for 60 seconds.
- Each group must attempt to drag the opposing team across the line before the timer runs out.
- The first team to drag the other group across the line wins.
You can create teams by choosing different departments in the office to play. To make this game fair, ensure that you have an equal balance of strength on each team. However, it is important to note that winning this game does not depend solely on force. Instead, colleagues must work together, pull at a perfect pace, and fish out their rival team’s weak moments.
11. Stop Walk Races
Stop Walk Races are one of the best large party group games. For this game, employees will need to find an open space or field.
To organize this activity:
- Players will stand on one end of the field.
- A coordinator will yell, “Walk,” and racers must walk toward the finish line as fast as possible.
- The coordinator will shout, “Stop,” randomly, and all the participants must freeze until they hear the word walk again.
- The game will continue in this manner until the players reach the finish line.
- The first employee to reach the finish line wins the game.
You can make this game even more challenging by blindfolding participants, but you must ensure there are no obstacles or items that may injure the racers in the way. The blindfolded version of this game is better held in grass fields in case players fall.
12. Guess the Whistler’s Tune
Guess the Whistler’s Tune is one of the best fun virtual large group games because it promotes laughter among colleagues. This virtual activity is similar to the popular guess the tune game.
To organize this activity:
- The first player will attempt to whistle a recognizable tune.
- Other teammates must attempt to guess the tune the player is whistling.
- The teammate who correctly guesses the song wins a point.
- Whoever earns the most points wins!
Players are better off whistling recognizable parts of the tunes, like the chorus, to make it easier for team members to guess. Colleagues do not have to be adept whistlers to participate in this activity. Even novices can try to whistle to make the game even more fun and hilarious.
13. Capture the Flag
Capture the Flag is a fun, fast-paced game where players try to steal flags from each other’s territories. This game promotes strategic thinking and helps colleagues develop problem-solving skills.
To organize this activity:
- Split the players into teams, and have each team make a flag.
- Find an open space or field for the game, and create territories for each team.
- Each group will place their flag in their territory.
- Teams will attempt to steal each other’s flags and carry them back to their territory.
- Opposing teams can tag players who enter their territory. Tagged players are temporarily out of the game until a teammate rescues them.
- The last team with their own flag wins the game.
This thrilling game requires dedication, speed, and coordination. Employees must create an effective game plan before proceeding with the game. This activity is one of the most popular big group games.
14. Murder in the Dark
Murder in the Dark is an excellent mystery game where employees must apply their observatory skills to find out which team member is the murderer.
To organize this activity:
- Create strips of paper. Write “D” on one, “M” on another one, and leave the rest blank.
- Have players draw a slip of paper each.
- The player who gets the letter “D” is the detective, and the player who gets the letter “M” is the murderer.
- The murderer will kill off other players by winking at them.
- Murdered players must exit the circle.
- The detective must attempt to catch the murderer before they kill off all the players.
Note that players have to look directly at the murderer to get killed, and the detective has to catch the murderer in the act to accuse and catch them. The detective has to be very observant and must not receive clues or hints from other players.
This game is similar to Werewolf.
15. Jenga
Jenga is a fun and challenging game for large groups. This game best suits folks who enjoy mentally challenging games and activities.
Here is how to play the game:
- Stack the Jenga blocks in alternating sets of three until you have an 18-tier tower.
- Straighten out the stack by pressing the blocks into each other.
- Players will take turns pulling one block out of the stack at a time without making the whole tower fall.
- Once a player pulls out a block, they will add it back to the top of the stack.
- The first player to knock over the tower loses.
As an added twist, you can even write directions on each Jenga piece. When participants pull the directions, they must follow them. For example, you could have players try to whistle a tune or shoot a wadded-up paper into a garbage can.
You can also get giant Jenga sets, which tend to be real crowd-pleasers!
16. Circle of Names
Circle of Names is a fun game that helps new teams get to know each other.
Here is how to play the game:
- All team members stand in a circle.
- One player starts by saying their name and doing a simple action, like clapping their hands.
- Then, the player next to them repeats the name and action and adds their own.
- This process continues around the circle, with each individual repeating all the previous names and actions before adding their own.
- The game ends when a player messes up the order of actions or names.
This exercise is a fun way to learn colleagues’ names and get the whole team involved.
17. Biggest Fan
Biggest Fan is a great way for colleagues to get to know each other and create connections.
Here is how to play the game:
- Participants split into pairs.
- Each player has one minute to share a fact about themselves with their partner.
- Afterward, partners take turns introducing each other to the group, sharing what they learned during the one-minute conversation.
The goal is to foster connections and appreciation between participants by actively listening and learning about each other’s interests and experiences.
18. Sardines
Sardines is like a backward game of hide-and-seek.
Here is how to play the game:
- One player hides, and the rest of the players try to find them.
- When a player finds the individual hiding, they hide with them.
- As more folks find the hiding spot, it gets more crowded, like sardines in a can.
- The last player to find the group hiding becomes the next one to hide.
This game is a thrilling twist on a childhood favorite!
19. Blob Tag
Blob Tag is a fun and unique version of the classic tag.
Here is how to play the game:
- One or two players start as “it.”
- When players tag others, that individual joins hands with them to make a bigger “blob.”
- Then, the blob works together to tag more players and make the blob even bigger.
- The game keeps going until every player is part of the blob.
This fun game requires teamwork and cooperation.
20. Water Balloon Dodgeball
Water Balloon Dodgeball is a great version of dodgeball that large teams can play in the summer!
Here is how to play the game:
- Split players into two teams.
- Each team has a designated area to throw water balloons from.
- Players can dodge and duck to avoid getting hit.
- If a player gets hit by a water balloon, then they are out.
- The last team standing wins!
This exercise is a fun and refreshing game to play on a hot day.
21. Simon Says Relay
A Simon Says Relay is a great way to test teams’ active listening skills.
Here is how to play the game:
- Divide into teams, and have them line up.
- “Simon” stands nearby.
- Teams send one player at a time to “Simon.”
- “Simon” gives commands starting with, “Simon says.”
- Players follow the commands. If Simon did not say “Simon says,” and players do it, then they are out.
- Players tag the next teammate, and the relay continues.
- The last player standing wins for their team.
This exercise is a fun game that tests listening skills and quick reflexes.
22. Watermelon Eating Contest
A Watermelon Eating Contest is a refreshing way to spend a summer afternoon!
Here is how to play the game:
- Give each participant a stack of watermelon slices.
- Set a timer for 60 to 90 seconds.
- Players eat the watermelon as fast as they can.
- Whoever finishes the most slices wins!
This delicious and messy game is perfect for picnics and parties.
23. Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee is a team sport that is great for large teams. Ultimate Frisbee combines elements of soccer, basketball, and American football, and teams play on a rectangular field with end zones at each end.
Here is how to play the game:
- Split players into two teams.
- One team will start with the frisbee.
- The offense passes the frisbee, and the defense tries to intercept.
- Players cannot run while holding the frisbee.
- Players score points by catching the frisbee in the opponent’s end zone.
- Whoever earns the most points wins!
This game is a great way for teams to get some exercise.
24. Human Battleship
Human Battleship is a live-action version of the classic board game Battleship.
Here is how to play the game:
- Participants split into two teams, each with a side of the playing area.
- Players stand on a grid made of letters and numbers. Each player represents a ship on a grid.
- The objective is to “sink” the other team’s ships by calling out coordinates.
- The team that sinks all of the opponent’s ships first wins!
This game is an excellent teamwork game for large groups!
25. Giant Ring Toss
Giant Ring Toss is a game where players take turns tossing large rings onto a set of pegs or targets. The objective is to land the rings around the pegs to score points.
- Place a large pole or target at a distance from the players.
- Each player gets a set number of large rings to toss.
- Players take turns tossing their rings at the target.
- Players earn points based on where their rings land. For example, closer rings might be worth fewer points, while rings around the pole could be worth more.
- After all the rounds, the player with the highest total score wins the game!
This fun and challenging game requires accuracy and skill.
Large group games are entertaining activities that teammates or colleagues can play during team gatherings. These games help promote teamwork and improve interactions between colleagues.
Large group games often work best in open spaces where players can run around or play comfortably without fear of injury. You may organize these games outdoors in open fields or find large empty spaces or rooms to play.
Next, check out our lists of the best office game night activities, relay race ideas, Zoom games for large groups, large group virtual team building activities, and virtual games for large groups.