Here is our list of the top technical team building activities for engineers and software developers.
Team building activities for engineers and software developers are entertaining activities that highly-technical team members can enjoy. Examples include two truths and a lie, mystery dinner, and flip it over. These activities aim to enhance the team members’ productivity, encourage team cooperation and improve work relationships and team dynamics.
These ideas are subsets of team building exercises, team building games, and problem solving activities.

This list includes:
- team building activities for engineers
- team building games for developers
- team building activities for software developers
- technical games
Let’s get to it!
List of technical team building activities
From Blind Drawing to Charades to Shark Tank, here is a list of team-building ideas for technical teams.
1. Charades
Charades is a team building activity that requires players to act out a prompt without speaking. The game’s objective is for team members to guess the phrase as quickly as possible. Charades promotes active thinking and hones observation skills, making it one of the best team building exercises for developers.
To play this game, you will need paper chits, a stopwatch, and a scoring sheet.
To play:
- The players will divide themselves into two groups. For example, teams A and B.
- Team A will then select a player from team B.
- The player will select a paper chit and act out the word written on the paper without speaking or indicating any object.
- The members of team B will need to guess what the word is within 60 seconds.
- These words or prompts should be tech related, such as software bugs, coding, and hard drive.
- If the team members get what the player is demonstrating, they get a point. If they get it wrong, the other team takes the point.
- The team with the highest point wins the game.
This game helps team members express themselves better and promotes non-verbal communication skills. The activity also encourages fast thinking and makes team members together.
2. Flip It Over
Flip it over is a fun game that encourages team members to think resourcefully. Team members must to work together to complete this task. This game aims to encourage creativity and cooperation among group members. The team members can play this game with a tarp or a piece of clothing.
To play:
- Spread out a large piece of cloth or tarp on the floor.
- Choose six to eight team members to stand on one end of the tarp.
- The team members must turn away from the tarp’s long end.
- The players will then slowly flip the edges of the tarp, pulling the edges towards themselves while moving backwards.
- The teammates will repeat these movements until they have completely flipped the tarp.
- The players can only use their feet, ensuring they do not step on the ground or let their feet off the tarp.
The teammates have 20 minutes to flip the tarp completely. This activity encourages team members to work together and communicate with each other to achieve a goal.
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3. Blind Drawing
Blind drawing is an exciting game that encourages team members to communicate and work together. This activity is a fantastic example of team building activities for software teams. This exercise helps software developers translate verbal concepts into visual products and also ensure that they are able to develop ideas from minute details effectively.
To play:
- Gather a drawing board, drawing pen, and images of objects.
- Divide team members into pairs.
- Have team members sit back-to-back and give one person the image and the other person the drawing book.
- The teammate with the image will have to describe how to draw the image without saying its name.
- The teammate with the drawing book will then use this description and some guessing to draw what they think the described image is.
- Team members whose drawing is closest to the image win the game.
This exercise helps to test team members’ communication, creativity, and interpretation skills.
4. Human Knot
The human knot is an example of team building exercises for scientists. The game develops the team members’ deductive skills and helps the team think of creative ways to complete a task within a given period. In addition, this activity promotes communication and teamwork between players.
To play:
- Share the players into teams of six or more.
- The team members will then stand in a circle, facing each other.
- The teammates will then raise their right hands and hold a team member’s hand across the circle.
- The teammate will also raise up their left hand and grab another hand across the circle.
- Team members will need to untangle the knot without breaking form.
- If the circle breaks, the team members will repeat the exercise.
- The first group to untangle from the knot without breaking the circle wins.
This team-building activity teaches team members how to work together as a team.
5. Sneak a Peek
Sneak a peek is a problem-solving exercise for technical teams. This exercise teaches team members how to form and take instructions to develop projects. The game helps team members develop problem-solving and strategizing skills. For this game, you need a set of building blocks or legos.
To play:
- Share the players into groups of at least two.
- Construct a structure using the building blocks or legos. Do not let the teammates see it.
- Give the teammates a “sneak peek” of the structure and allow them to study it for 30 to 60 seconds.
- Give the teammates building blocks to recreate the same structure.
- If no team cannot replicate the structure, send one member from each team to sneak a peek at the structure again.
- The team members will continue this process until one of the teams recreates the initial structure.
The teams have only 30 minutes to complete this exercise. This game aims to encourage team members to do their parts when solving a problem.
6. Helium Sticks
Helium sticks are simple team building exercises for engineers. This activity helps team members interact and work together. For this game, you will need a plastic cane or lightweight stick.
To play:
- Split players into two groups.
- The team members will then stand facing each other.
- The teammates must then point out their index fingers and hold their arms out.
- Lay the helium stick on their fingers.
- The teammates will need to adjust their fingers, ensuring that the tip of their fingers touches until the helium stick is horizontal.
- Any team member who touches the helium stick with other fingers will no longer take part in the game.
The object of the game is to lower the helium stick to the ground without it falling. The teammates have only thirty minutes to do so, ensuring that they maintain the rules of the game.
7. The Coin Logo
The coin logo game is an excellent way to test team members’ creativity and helps coworkers get to know each other better. For this game, players must work in teams of three or more.
To play:
- Give each team a coin.
- The teammates must work together to create a logo using the given coin.
- When the teammates have completed this exercise, each team member will explain what the logo says about them.
- Each team has 30 minutes to complete this exercise.
This exercise makes team members self-aware and allows them to know each other personally.
8. Back of the Napkin
Back of the Napkin is a team-building activity that enables team members to think out of the box. For this activity, you will need napkins and pens.
To play:
- Divide players into groups of at least three.
- Bring up open-ended problems for them to solve. These problems can be company-related problems or issues outside of the work setting.
- Give teammates napkins and pens.
- The teammates will then draft solutions to the problem on the napkin.
- The players have 30 minutes to devise a reasonable solution to the problem.
- Review all the solutions, and the team with the best solution wins the game.
This exercise is an excellent way for the team members to brainstorm. The game also encourages innovative thoughts and solutions.
9. Salt and Pepper
Salt and Pepper is a brilliant way to energize your team members. This exercise encourages communication and innovative thinking among group members. For this activity, you need paper, tape, and pens.
To play:
- Come up with pairs of items like salt and pepper, bread and butter, black and white, or hot and cold.
- Separate the pairs and write only one on each piece of paper.
- Stick one piece of paper to the back of a team member. Do not allow the other teammates to catch a glimpse of the word.
- Team members can only ask yes or no questions.
- Ask team members to ask yes or no questions to locate their other pair.
- After finding the other pair, the teammates will share three interesting things about each other.
This activity encourages relationship building, and listening, and helps teammates develop communication skills.
10. Memory Wall
Memory Wall is a game that makes every team member feel appreciated and accepted. This idea also brings back happy memories of shared experiences. In this exercise, team members will write or sketch their shared memories and place it on the wall.
To play:
- Give every team member a sheet of paper and a pen.
- Ask the team members to study the room and write positive memories of their shared experiences.
- After the team members have written down their memories, ask them to draw a few of those memories.
- The team members have 20 minutes to draw these memories.
- When the time elapses, the team members will then tape their memories to the wall.
This activity helps team members develop friendships and positive work relationships.
11. Office Trivia
Office trivia is a game where team members answer trivia questions about the workplace. These questions can relate to the office, the employees, or job-related tasks. This exercise lets you know how much team members know about their colleagues and the office.
To play:
- Write down a list of trivia questions relating to your workplace and everyone in the office.
- Put down all questions and answers on index cards.
- Ask the team members questions and they have only ten seconds to answer.
- The team member with the most correct answers wins the game.
This activity is a brilliant way to boost team bonding. It enables the team members to know each other well and brings them closer as a team.
Check out these fun team building trivia games and trivia starter questions.
12. Shark Tank
Shark Tank is a famous TV show where amateur entrepreneurs can pitch business ideas in front of investors. This activity helps build unity and entrepreneurial skills among the team members. You can recreate this activity as a game with your team and have them pitch ideas in the hopes of securing investments.
To play:
- The players will choose a team member to play the investor.
- The players will then share themselves into teams of two or more.
- The teams must then develop a product and create a pitch for it.
- The teammates must make the pitch professional. They must have a brand name, business plan, motto, marketing plan, and expected financial data.
- The team members will then create their pitch and present it to the investor so that they may choose which project to invest in.
- The investor must ask the team important questions as if planning a real business.
- The group with the biggest investment wins the game.
This team-building exercise prompts big thinking and builds confidence and entrepreneurship.
13. Science Fairs
The science fairs are excellent team building ideas for scientists. This activity encourages members of a science or tech team to develop novel ideas and work together to ensure that certain ideas reach their full potential. For the science fair, the team members will need to create a cheap prototype to solve a specific societal problem.
The teammates can prepare a week or more, depending on how long it will take to plan, develop and execute this new project.
To organize the science fair:
- Split the teammates into groups of at least three members.
- Each group will get a theme, such as malaria, low batteries or social media addiction.
- The groups will get a week or two to plan, develop and execute this project and ensure that they are able to present this idea and explain how the prototype will work to solve the problem in the theme.
- Set a date for the science fair.
- You will choose a team of judges to evaluate the groups on their projects.
- At the science fair, each group will present their prototype and share why they believe it will work.
- At the end of the fair, the three teams with the best prototype wins.
This project aims to ensure that each team member plays an active role in ensuring the success of the science fair. The fun part of this activity is that the groups can only develop cheap and effective solutions to the given themes, which may be quite a challenge.
14. Team Emblem
Team Emblem is a simple activity that helps team members develop better relationships. In this exercise, team members must cooperate to create an emblem that symbolizes their team.
To play:
- Share the team members into smaller groups of three or more.
- Give each group cardboard, crayons, and markers for the team members to create their team emblem.
- Each group has 40 minutes to draw or paint their team emblem. The team emblem must portray the identity and value of the team.
- When the team members complete the exercise, they interpret their emblems.
- The groups must explain what the emblems represent and what they mean to the team.
This exercise enables team members to express their creative side and encourages them to work together. This activity encourages analytical teams to use symbolic and creative thinking to adopt new approaches and perspectives.
15. Body of Words
Body of Words is a simple and fun exercise. The aim is to get team members to create words using their bodies alone. This activity is a good way to help the team members loosen up.
To play:
- Find an open space without any obstacles.
- Share team members into groups of four.
- Each group must choose a leader or representative.
- Put down words with one letter less than the number of people in each group. For example, groups with five team members should get words with no more than four letters.
- Each group will get a word, and must use their bodies to spell out the word.
- You can set a timer for ten minutes, the teams who can complete the task before the timer beeps win.
- In every round of the game, the team members will select a different group leader.
This exercise builds leadership, collaboration, and organization and is an excellent way to engage the entire team.
16. Hackathons
Hackathons are great team building ideas for software developers, backend developers, and game developers. This activity aims to inspire tech teams to solve tech real issues or develop codes to fix software bugs or product flaws. Hackathons usually last from 24 to 48 hours, and members who participate must create codes to solve the given problem within that time. For example, you can the groups to develop software that alerts organizations of cyber threats, particularly those that expose clients’ information online.
To organize a hackathon for tech teams:
- Set a timeline for the hackathon, usually 24 to 48 hours.
- Split the teammates into groups of at least three members.
- Create a problem for the groups to fix by creating codes or developing a software or app.
- The teammates will need to work together to create a code, software or app to solve this problem.
- The groups will have to develop this software within the given time and present the project when it is complete.
- A team of judges or professional software developers will evaluate each groups project and award the best project with a prize.
This activity will test the skill of members of a tech team and challenge them to develop new ideas and solutions to given problems.
Team building ideas for technical teams are activities that help tech teams build strong bonds and connections. These activities aim to test team skills, encourage teamwork, and develop good work relationships. Examples of these activities include the Coin Logo, Hackathons, and memory wall. These are exercises that software teams, engineers, scientists, and other tech teams can enjoy.
Next, check out creative team meeting ideas.