19 Fun Question Games to Play With Friends

By: | Updated: February 12, 2025

You found our list of fun question games to play with friends.

Question games are activities that use prompts to reveal personal answers about players. For example, “Never Have I Ever”, Icebreaker Questions and Truth or Dare? The purpose of these games is to build relationships, boost engagement and have fun.

You can create these questions with a random question generator, and use them to play team building games. These games are similar to conversation games, get-to-know-you games, and quiz games.


This post contains:

  • fun question games for friends
  • 21 questions game
  • guessing games to play with friends online
  • question and answer games for friends
  • quiz games to play with friends
  • group questions games

Here we go!

List of question games

From 21 questions to would you rather to two truths and a lie, here is a list of question and answer games for friends.

1. Question game

Question game requires players to use ingenuity and improvisational skills by restricting them to asking questions only. Players must ask questions back and forth for as long as possible without pausing or accidentally making a statement.

A typical exchange might sound like this:

  • What are you doing?
  • What does it look like I’m doing?
  • Is that sarcasm?
  • Would you be angry if it was?
  • Am I supposed to know what you are doing?
  • Do you have any guesses?
  • Do you want me to guess?
  • Are you always this annoying?
  • Are you always this annoyed?
  • Would you just answer my question already?!

You can either play question game with two participants at a time or play within a group and slowly eliminate players until only one remains.

2. 21 questions

In the 21 questions game, players take turns asking each other personal questions. Participants can either ask questions in succession, or can rotate players and ask questions one by one. Traditionally, the game ends once each player has asked 21 questions, and you can play as many rounds as you like.

Here are some prompts to start with:

  • What is your most embarrassing story?
  • What food would you choose for your last meal?
  • What makes you angry?
  • What makes you laugh hysterically?
  • How do you relax and unwind?
  • Whose death hit you hardest?
  • What songs would be on the soundtrack of your life?
  • What never fails to make you happy?
  • What is a lie you told as a teenager?
  • If you could marry any celebrity, who would you choose?
  • What is one fact about you that most people would never guess?
  • What is your guilty pleasure?

For more examples of prompts to use for this game, check out our list of get to know you questions and 21 questions prompts.

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3. Icebreaker questions

Icebreaker questions are group questions games meant to spark discussion and help group members learn more about each other. Managers often use icebreakers to kick off meetings or conferences, and teachers, event organizers, and community leaders often use these conversation starters as well.

Here are some good icebreaker questions:

  • What is the first thing you notice when meeting new people?
  • What animal are you most like?
  • What was the best trip you ever took?
  • What is one item on your bucket list?
  • How do you define success?
  • Describe your dream house.
  • What is your worst habit?
  • What is your greatest recent achievement?
  • What was the last book you read?
  • What was the last skill or fact you learned?
  • What was your favorite subject in school?

For more examples, check out our master list of icebreaker questions.

4. Trivia

Trivia is among the top quiz games to play with friends. Though most games center around academic or entertainment categories, you can create a personal trivia game to test your crew’s friendship knowledge, too.

Here are some sample trivia questions and answers you can use in your game:

  1. Q: Which eyelid-less animal licks its eyeballs to keep them moist?
    A: Geckos
  2. Q: Which famous author taste-tested Cadbury chocolates as a schoolboy?
    A: Roald Dahl
  3. Q: Which US state quarter features magnolia blossoms?
    A: Mississippi
  4. Q: What is the square root of 2025?
    A: 45
  5. Q: Which popular sitcom was originally called “Insomnia Cafe” before airing?
    A: Friends

For more tips and questions, check out our post on virtual trivia.

5. This or that

This or that is one of the most fun question games for friends that encourages players to choose between two options. Examples may include, “Coke or Pepsi?”, “Summer or Winter?” or “Flying or Driving?” The answers reveal players’ preferences. The fast-paced game demands immediate responses, but harder questions might require deliberation and debate, and can reveal a player’s motivations.

Here are more this or that prompts:

  • Cats or dogs?
  • Vacation or staycation?
  • Rock or rap?
  • Road trip or cruise?
  • Chocolate or vanilla?
  • Pizza or tacos?
  • Fast food or health food?
  • Morning or Night?
  • Bright colors or black and white?
  • City or country?
  • Coffee or tea?
  • Surprises or plans?
  • Big party or small party?

For more examples, check out our post of this or that questions.

6. Would you rather

Would you rather presents two situations and asks players to choose the best option. The circumstances are often challenging, causing participants to think hard to decide the better fate. Explanations often accompany answers to would you rather questions, meaning players can learn about each other’s logic and motivations.

Here are some good would you rather questions:

  • Have a roommate that snored or a roommate that sleepwalked?
  • Sneeze non stop or hiccup non stop?
  • Have unlimited time or unlimited money?
  • Learn one secret from the far future or from the far past?
  • Run out of clean socks or clean underwear?
  • Be embarrassed in front of your crush or in front of your boss?
  • Spend a day in a room with broken air conditioning or broken heating?
  • Live in an apartment without doors or windows?
  • Have a nosy neighbor or a noisy neighbor?
  • Be invisible or recognized everywhere you go?
  • Help a friend move or babysit for a family member?
  • Have a bottomless bank account or be able to eat whatever you want without gaining weight?
  • Be able to travel anywhere in the world or live in your dream house?
  • Own a puppy that stayed a puppy or a kitten that stayed a kitten?

For more ideas, check out our full list of would you rather questions.

7. Never have I ever

Never have I ever is a question game disguised by a statement. The point of the game is to find out what actions apply to specific group members. Although players state, “never have I ever,” they really ask other players, “have you ever?” The results are sometimes surprising.

Here are some good never have I ever prompts:

  • Traveled to another country
  • Broken a bone
  • Won a contest
  • Ridden a bike
  • Been on TV
  • Met a celebrity
  • Built a piece of furniture
  • Fixed my own car
  • Been skydiving
  • Climbed a mountain
  • Written a book
  • Had a car accident
  • Seen my favorite band in concert

Managers often use work-friendly versions of never have I ever as icebreakers.

For similar options, check out our list of icebreaker games for small groups.

8. Where do you stand?

Where do you stand is similar to would you rather or this or that questions. Instead of asking players to choose between two opposites or two situations, where do you stand requires participants to pick between two different opinions. These questions may be deep or silly.

Here are some where do you stand questions:

  • Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?
  • Is Cilantro disgusting or delicious?
  • Is Kanye West a good musician?
  • Should celebrities discuss politics in the media?
  • Should college be free?
  • Should healthcare be free?
  • Do you think free will exists?
  • Should toilet paper be over or under?

While you can ask probing questions that spark insightful debates, avoiding serious controversial topics preserves the light nature of the game.

9. Truth or dare

Truth or dare is a game that asks participants to either answer a personal question or perform a daring act. Many folks play this game at sleepovers or parties while growing up. Though truths and dares can be R-rated, we recommend that you keep the game PG and impersonal if playing in a work setting, or with a group of relative strangers.

Use this tool to generate truth prompts:


Use this tool to generate dare prompts:


Truth or dare games can reveal how courageous or sincere your friends are, and showing vulnerability can help the group bond and grow closer.

Here is a random truth or dare generator.

10. Fact or fiction

When searching for fun question games for friends, consider fact or fiction! Fact or fiction asks players to guess whether a statement is true or make-believe. Players can either share a personal or random fact or fiction.

Here are some examples of statements to use during fact or fiction:

  • I’m double jointed
  • I have a twin
  • I’ve traveled abroad.
  • I’ve never drunk alcohol
  • I have never watched the Wizard of Oz
  • I have never been to New York City
  • I can multiply five digit numbers in my head
  • I speak three languages
  • I won the fourth grade spelling bee
  • I can name the capital of every US state
  • I alphabetize my bookshelf

After every statement, ask “fact or fiction?” and let the other players guess whether your declaration is true or false. Feel free to ask trick questions, too. For instance, maybe you won the spelling bee in the fifth grade, not the fourth grade.

11. Two truths and a lie

Two truths and a lie is a common icebreaker activity that asks participants to determine which two statements are real, and which is a fib. Folks can use this game to share surprising personal information that other players might not initially believe.

Here are a few examples for two truths and a lie:

  • My name is Angela, I work at TeamBuilding, I have brown eyes.
  • I studied writing in college, I own a dog named Muffin, I have been to Africa.
  • I’ve finished Moby Dick, I am a pescatarian, I never learned how to ride a bike.

Two truths and a lie exercises creativity and persuasive skills, and is a fun way to introduce yourself to new friends.

12. Guess who?

Guess who? is a game where players determine the identity of a chosen character by asking a series of questions to narrow down options. Though the board game version is popular, you can play by just asking questions, too.

Here are examples of guess who questions:

  • Does this person wear glasses?
  • Does this person teach?
  • Is this person American?
  • Does this person have a podcast?
  • Does this person have over 1,000 Instagram followers?
  • Does this person have an unusual hair color?
  • Is this person good at sports?
  • Does this person play an instrument?
  • Does this person speak more than one language?
  • Do you know this person in real life?

The round ends when players determine the identity of the secret person. Then, the player who guessed correctly takes a turn.

13. Most likely to

Most likely to, also called who is more, is a game that requires participants to choose the player that best fits the description. The game can have as few as two players, or can entertain a larger group.

Here are sample most likely to questions:

  • Who is most likely to wear an outfit for two days straight?
  • Who is most likely to mispronounce a word?
  • Who is most likely to bring you soup when you are sick?
  • Who is most likely to throw you a surprise party?
  • Who is most likely to argue about an obscure topic?
  • Who is most likely to get lost while driving?
  • Who is most likely to cry during a movie?
  • Who is most likely to have a kitchen fiasco?
  • Who is most likely to have more than five kids?
  • Who is most likely to travel around the world?
  • Who is most likely to ruin a movie or show for you with a spoiler?
  • Who is more generous?
  • Who has better reflexes?

The game works best when all players answer at once, using methods such as a whiteboard, color-coded cards, raising hands, or pointing at other players, but you could discuss answers as well.

Check out this full list of most likely to questions.

14. One must go

One must go is a tournament-style question game that asks players to continually choose between two objects, until they finally determine an ultimate winner.

Here are some sample categories and questions for one must go:

Cheese dishes: mac and cheese, cheesecake, cheese fries, quesadilla, mozzarella sticks, fondue, paneer curry, halloumi, queso, grilled cheese

Exotic animals: lion, tiger, elephant, panda, cheetah, giraffe, lemur, monkey, penguin

Mythical creatures: dragons, unicorns, mermaids, fairies, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, zombies

Destinations: Tokyo, Paris, Hong Kong, London, New York City, Bangkok, Istanbul, Rome, Cancun, Madrid, Amsterdam, Cape Town, Cairo, Beijing, Lima, Buenos Aires

Pop Stars: Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Adele, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Ariana Grande, Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, Shakira

We also made a bracket you can use to track answers.

Question game template

Feel free to answer individually, or decide as a group.

Here are a list of one must go questions.

15. Friends, soulmates, enemies

Friends, soulmates, enemies is a family-friendly and work-safe version of the game “kiss, marry, kill.” Each round, a player poses three names, and other players must label each of those figures as a friend, a soulmate, or an enemy.

Here are a few examples:

  • Iron Man, Captain America, Thor
  • Don Draper, Walter White, Michael Scott
  • Princess Jasmine, Belle, Ariel
  • Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, George Clooney
  • Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe
  • Gordon Ramsey, Anthony Bourdain, Bobby Flay
  • Luke, Leia, Han

Though most questions involve famous figures, you could inanimate objects as well, for instance: burritos, tacos, quesadillas.

16. Friendly feud

Friendly feud is a DIY version of the game Family Feud. To play, pose a question. Before the player or team answers, poll the opposite team or the audience to gather the top five answers. Then, award points for each correct guess.

Here are a few sample questions:

  • Name an item you pack for vacation
  • Name a phrase you shout at a sports game
  • Name something you can say about both your pet and your best friend
  • Name something that flies
  • Name a food that pairs well with peanut butter
  • Name a homemade Christmas gift you might like to receive
  • Name a bad habit you hide from your family

To make the game go quicker, limit the amount of turns for each player, or award points only for the top answer. Or, you can simply ask the group questions to see how players respond and how many answers overlap.

Here is a list of Family Feud questions for your game.

For more game show fun, you could also play team building Jeopardy.

17. Word association

Word association is a rapidfire game that asks players to blurt out the first word that comes to mind when a player says a particular word or phrase.

If you have problems generating words, then pick a starter from the list below:

  • Outlet
  • Tube
  • Silent
  • Year
  • Frame
  • Hot
  • Easy
  • Brain

Player one starts by saying a word, and player two responds with the first word that comes to mind. If more than two participants play, then rotate in a circle, otherwise, go back and forth between two players until one tires or stumbles.

Here are more vocabulary games for adults.

18. Yes or No

One of the simplest question formats is “yes or no?” and you can base entire games around these questions. For example, “do you like chocolate ice cream better than winning the lottery?”

Here is a list of yes or no questions you can use.

19. How well do you know me?

“How well do you know me?” is a question game that tests how well you know the other participants. The questions are designed to cover a wide range of topics, from big to small. You can win points for guessing correctly, or lose points for a wrong guess.

Here is a list of how well do you know me questions to try.

Final Thoughts

Questions games are a fun pastime and a great way to learn more about friends. The games have simple-to-follow rules, require no materials, and help people bond quickly. Plus, these activities can be fun for many age groups. Feel free to try these games with friends, family members, coworkers, acquaintances, or even strangers.

For more fun ways to connect with friends, check out our list of improv games for large groups, this one with funny icebreaker jokes, and this list of team bonding questions.

We also have a list of random questions, list of questions for balance game, list of fact or fiction questions, and list of the best rapid fire questions you can use.

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FAQ: Question Games

Here are some common questions and answers about question games.

What is a question game?

A question game is any activity based on prompts that reveal personal information about players. For example, “Never Have I Ever”, Icebreaker Questions and Truth or Dare? The purpose of these games is to build relationships, boost engagement for participants and have fun.

What are some fun question games for adults?

Some fun question games for adults include this or that, would you rather, and trivia. These games provide a good blend of interesting questions and prompts that allow players to share information.

How do you play question games with friends?

Playing a question game with friends is very easy! First, choose a game like most likely to, or questions only. Then select a date, time and place for your event. You can play your question game online over platforms like Zoom and Facetime, in person, or anywhere else you connect with friends.

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Marketing Coordinator at teambuilding.com.
Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.


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