New Year’s Icebreaker Questions For Work: #1 List

By: | Updated: January 08, 2025

Here is a list of fun New Year’s icebreaker questions for teams.

New Year’s icebreaker questions are prompts you can use to look back on the ending year and anticipate the new year. Examples include, “choose one word to describe this past year,” and “What is one good habit you want to pick up in the new year?” The point of these prompts is to have fun and reflect with your loved ones and co-workers.

These prompts are a subset of icebreaker questions and get to know you questions that you can use at virtual New Year’s Eve parties.


This list includes:

  • New Years reflection questions
  • funny New Years icebreaker questions
  • New Years icebreaker questions for meetings
  • New Years icebreaker questions for teams
  • New Years icebreaker questions for coworkers
  • New Year resolution icebreaker questions
  • New Year’s party icebreaker questions

Let’s get started!

New Years reflection questions

  1. Good stuff happens even in the day-to-day. What is one thing, big or small, you did this year that you will never forget?
  2. In the yearbook of your life, what person earned the superlative, “Most likely to make my day?”
  3. Mistakes happen, what mistake this past year provided the greatest take away?
  4. Thank you notes for the New Year are an old tradition.  You have one stamp. What one moment from last year gets your thanks?
  5. Choose two objects: One that represents this past year and one for the year to come.
  6. What is one new skill you have learned this past year?
  7. How did you get closer to achieving a big life goal this year?
  8. Are you where you thought you would be by the end of this year? Why or why not? What can you do to change that?
  9. Choose one word to describe this past year.
  10. How do you feel about your work this year?
  11. What were your priorities this year? What do you want your priorities to be for next year?
  12. What was the high point of the year? The low point?

Funny New Years icebreaker questions

  1. Trends come and sometimes they go.  What is the one new trend you hope never goes away?
  2. Some years are better than others. What year would you time travel back to for a redo?
  3. True or False: New Year’s Eve is best spent at home in your pajamas and a big bowl of snacks.
  4. If you could only eat one food for the entire next year what would it be?
  5. In the movie of your life we need to cast two roles:  End of Year You and New Year You.  What actor or actors would you choose?
  6. What is the wildest thing that ever happened to you on New Years?
  7. What is the silliest thing you ever did on New Years?
  8. Tell the truth: do you go to bed before midnight?
  9. How long does it take you to write the new year on documents?
  10. Who would you hate to be stuck at a New Year’s party with?
  11. Share an awful imaginary New Year’s resolution.

New Years icebreaker questions for meetings

  1. Striving for that work life balance, what activity kept you busy outside of work this year?
  2. You are hosting the ultimate New Year’s celebration.  Where does your party take place?
  3. Give us your best piece of advice from the past year.
  4. Have you ever rang in the New Year in another country? How did you celebrate?
  5. What is one good habit you want to pick up in the new year?
  6. What work are you most proud of this past year?
  7. If you had an unlimited budget, what kind of New Year’s Eve party would you throw?
  8. What is a bad habit you hope to break in the new year?
  9. Do you have any unique New Year’s traditions?
  10. What is your go-to New Years Eve snack?
  11. What quote best sums up the past year?
  12. Finish the sentence: New Year, new….

New Years icebreaker questions for teams

  1. Over this last year who stepped up in a big way?
  2. Describe our team’s communication style for the coming year in three words?
  3. Some folks give gifts to celebrate the New Year. What would you give the team to set them up for success?
  4. What project are you most excited to jump into next year?
  5. What do you hope changes in the department next year?
  6. What do you hope changes in the company next year?
  7. What goal should our team work on in the new year?
  8. What do you think each member of the team would be doing on New Years Eve?
  9. Who is most likely to stick to their New Year’s resolution?
  10. Who is most likely to have the coolest New Year’s Eve plans?

New Years icebreaker questions for coworkers

  1. What is your one-line elevator pitch for the year to come?
  2. What was your hype song for the year?  Will it change with the new year?
  3. Comfy or chic, what was your favorite thing to wear this past year?
  4. Let’s celebrate the positive, what good news did you receive this year?
  5. How will you change your work routine in the next year?
  6. What is your drink of choice for New Year’s Eve?
  7. If you could spend New Years anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  8. What do you predict is going to happen next year?
  9. Where do you hope to be this time next year?
  10. What’s one change you would like to make in the office this year?
  11. Give this past year an official title. “The year of the…..”

New Year resolution icebreaker questions

  1. Resolutions are hard, what resolution are you most proud to have kept?
  2. At the new year knights used to place their hand on a peacock to make resolutions.  What animal would you choose to make your resolution promises?
  3. Glow ups are on the horizon.  Where do you see yourself growing or glowing in the new year?
  4.  Sometimes a few kind words go a long way.  Starting in January what will your one sentence motto or catchphrase be?
  5. What is the strangest New Year’s resolution you have ever heard?
  6. What is the longest you have ever kept a New Year’s resolution?
  7. What was the fastest you ever caved on a New Year’s resolution?
  8. If you could make New Year’s resolutions for other people, what might some be?
  9. Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions? Why or why not?
  10. A benevolent millionaire offers to give you $1000 for each day after January 1 you keep your resolution. What resolution do you choose?

New Year’s party icebreaker questions

  1. There are some unique traditions out there.  What is your favorite New Year’s tradition from when you were young?
  2. What’s the best New Year’s Eve party you have ever been to?
  3. You are designing your signature New Year’s Eve beverage, what goes in the glass?
  4. If you could attend a New Years Eve party with anyone who ever lived, who would it be?
  5. If you could travel back in time to celebrate any New Year’s that ever happened, where would you go and why?
  6. What is the best thing you’ve eaten so far tonight?
  7. Do you know a lot of people at this party?
  8. Who would you most love to see at this party?
  9. What songs are you hoping to hear later in the night?
  10. Make an impromptu toast.
  11. What is the worst New Years you’ve ever had? The best?
  12. Do you leave parties right after midnight or stay all night?

Final Thoughts

At the end of the year many folks are feeling reflective.  Some are looking ahead at exciting challenges and changes.  Using icebreakers at the new year can help set intentions and pump your team up for the year ahead. Consider mixing up fun and silly questions with more goal oriented questions.

For more winter holiday fun, check out office Christmas party ideas and holiday team building ideas.

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FAQ: New Year's icebreakers

Here are answers to common questions about New Year's icebreakers.

What are some good icebreaker questions for New Year's at work? 

Some good icebreaker questions for New Year’s at work include:

  • What is your one-line elevator pitch for the year to come?
  • Let’s celebrate the positive, what good news did you receive this year?
  • What is one new skill you have learned this past year?
  • Resolutions are hard, what resolution are you most proud to have kept?
  • What project are you most excited to jump into next year?

These questions can help employees reflect on the past year and build stronger bonds with colleagues.

Why should you ask teams icebreaker questions in the new year?

Icebreaker questions in the new year are a great way to reconnect with your team. These prompts create space for reflection on the past year and start conversations about the year to come.

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People & Culture Director at
Grace is the Director of People & Culture at She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.


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