Company Culture Committee: Importance & Best Practices

By: | Updated: December 17, 2024

This is a guide to the importance & best practices of company culture committees.

A company culture committee is a cross-functional group of employees responsible for promoting and driving the organization’s intended culture. This committee guarantees that the company considers employees’ perspectives when making decisions that affect them. However, this committee does not manage nor change the company’s overall culture, and executive leadership still bears this obligation.

The aim of this group is to improve company culture and improve the working environment for employees. Culture committees are an example of employee engagement strategies.


This article contains:

  • definition
  • benefits
  • importance
  • best practices
  • announcement examples
  • sample meeting agenda
  • culture committee goals

Let’s get right into it!

What is a company culture committee?

A company culture committee is a team of employees from different parts of the company who come together to ensure the company’s culture is strong and positive. This group is like the “culture guardians” of the organization. The team’s main role is to ensure that the whole company shares the same values, beliefs, and working methods.

To accomplish this goal, the committee plans and organizes various activities and events. These activities aim to bring employees closer together, help them understand the company’s values, and make work more enjoyable. For example, the committee might set up fun team building games or create awards to recognize outstanding employees. By doing these activities, the committee helps create a sense of belonging and motivation among the employees.

The committee also acts as a voice for the employees. This group listens to what folks think about the company’s culture and then shares this feedback with the company’s leaders. This way, the team ensures that the culture is always evolving and improving to meet the needs and expectations of the employees. Ultimately, one of the leading company culture committee benefits is to make sure that working at the company feels like being part of a supportive and positive community.

The importance and benefits of a company culture committee

The company culture committee can potentially be a driver of progress. Members work to identify, discuss, plan and expose issues pertaining to corporate culture. The committee’s size, objectives, and structure depend on the company’s size, budget, and employee engagement levels. The development of well-thought-out committees may have a tremendous impact on companies.

Some of the company culture committee’s importance include:

1. Represent diverse employees’ interests

A company will potentially become more diverse as it expands. If you are not speaking with different employees, it might be difficult to represent the demands of a broad group. Representation is a major consideration when forming committees. You can form the group using factors like gender, color, ethnicity, or any other demographic elements. The culture committees may help you better understand the broader audience’s feelings.

The company culture committee’s importance includes:

  • Act as eyes and ears: Members of the committee may act as your foot soldiers when it comes to hearing and seeing workers’ opinions about their work environment, their bosses, working conditions, and company objectives.
  • Come up with fresh ideas. Employees frequently come up with the finest ideas. A culture committee is a systematic method for obtaining a steady supply of new and innovative ideas.
  • Create a sense of community: Employees are more likely to accept change when they have a role in the decision-making process. Before implementing new procedures or regulations, a culture committee can help solicit opinions, suggestions, and commitments from the workforce.

Executive leadership is not always correct. Employees’ ability to adapt to organizational changes will get a considerable boost if they can get a grassroots perspective on these changes.

2. Ensure the progress of the objectives of the company’s culture

One of the company culture committee benefits is the progress of the culture’s objectives. Forming a company culture committee ensures that there are workers within the company, ensuring accountability. You can develop SMART objectives relating to corporate culture and share them with your committee members. After that, urge your staff to review your objectives and inquire about the promised deliverables.

For example, your committee can hold you accountable if your objective is to have six corporate culture events each year. If you fail to plan and hold these events annually, then you are deviating from your objectives. If you miss a target deadline, you may delegate responsibility for following through to your culture committee.

Also, the company culture committee may assist in developing business culture objectives. It seems reasonable that this group would assist with goal preparation, given that their committee would focus on culture. Either way, your organization will have a more positive culture.

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3. Improve the company’s retention rate

A culture committee plays a pivotal role in increasing employee retention by fostering a positive and engaging work environment. Through recognition programs and professional development initiatives, the committee ensures that employees feel valued, appreciated, and supported in their careers. The committee also shows a commitment to aligning company values with employee goals. Further, this group channels employee feedback into tangible improvements. By reducing turnover and its associated costs, a culture committee enhances employee satisfaction and workplace stability.

A culture committee’s roles and responsibilities

An organization’s culture is evident in task execution and contributes to employee productivity. Thus, a culture committee may drive change in the senior leadership team by concentrating on the methods and approach to doing business.

Here are a few examples of what a culture committee does for an organization:

1. Review and refine corporate values

All company’s actions stem from its basic values. These are the values that the firm aspires to uphold and their actions to achieve them. The committee has the authority to assess the degree to which the company’s workforce shares its current values.

2. Plan and organize events

The culture committee has the important job of planning and organizing events. The group starts by coming up with ideas that fit the company’s culture. Then, the committee plans each detail, like where the event will happen and when. The team also tells the company whole about the activity. During the event, the team makes sure participants have a good time. Afterward, the team asks folks how they liked the experience and write down what happened. This process helps make sure events are fun and meaningful, and it brings employees closer together.

3. Be a catalyst for change

The committee can make suggestions for improvements to their executive sponsor and their senior leadership team, even if they do not control corporate culture. Rather than only serving as a reservoir for employee sentiment, the committee members should serve as a “voice of the people” who actively works to dismantle obstacles to change.

4. Identify and acknowledge progress

The committee will celebrate progress towards their model culture every time they meet a minor objective. Team-building activities, birthday parties, and friendly contests amongst departments are all examples of ways to celebrate the small wins.

How to create a company culture committee

The following are key factors for creating a successful culture committee:

1. Announcement and Gauging Interest

Announcements play a crucial role in launching and maintaining company culture committees. When introducing the concept of a culture committee, team leaders should make clear and enthusiastic announcements highlighting the committee’s purpose and potential benefits.

Announcement examples include:

  • Exciting News! We’re launching our company culture committee. This group will enhance our workplace environment and foster a sense of community. Join us in shaping a brighter future for our organization!
  • Want to make a positive impact at work? The new culture committee is looking for enthusiastic team members to help create a more inclusive and enjoyable workplace. Learn how you can get involved in our next announcement!
  • Introducing our culture committee’s mission: To make our workplace more vibrant and engaging. Stay tuned for announcement updates on upcoming projects, and discover how you can contribute to our shared success.

Further, gauging interest is essential for ensuring the success of these committees. Surveys, open discussions, and feedback mechanisms can help the committee tailor their efforts to match the interests and needs of the workforce.

2. Representation

A Korn Ferry study shows that businesses that value diversity outperform their counterparts in terms of innovation and productivity. However, these employees must get a place at the table and on your committee if they are to make a real impact.

The company’s culture committee members should be as diverse as possible. Having a diverse representation on your company’s culture committee means including members from all levels of the business, regardless of position, tenure, seniority, or department. This system ensures every worker has a say, irrespective of their place in the company. You also need a diverse population in terms of age, color, and gender to create an inclusive and positive environment.

3. Budget allocation

Budget allocation for a culture committee means giving the group the money they need to do their important work. This money helps the committee plan and organize events that make work more enjoyable and meaningful for employees. The budget covers aspects like renting places for events, providing food, and getting materials for workshops. Some of the budget also goes toward recognizing employees who do outstanding work, which makes workers feel good about their jobs.

Besides events and recognition, some of the money goes into communication. Writing a clear culture committee announcement means making posters, newsletters, and emails to inform the company about events and activities. This money can also pay for tools that help committee members talk and work together.

A part of the budget is used for training committee members so they can do their jobs well. Training could include learning about how to be good leaders or how to plan events effectively. This budget allocation shows that the company cares about its culture and employees.

4. Leadership participation

Company culture committees are crucial to ensure employee participation and enhance culture generally, but grassroots initiatives conducted entirely by workers can only go so far. These initiatives will not succeed unless a leadership team member offers support.

Leadership sponsorship is vital for a few reasons. When it comes to cultural projects, you will usually need a budget, however small. It is unlikely that your committee will get access to the company’s finances unless you have a member who works in finance and dares to undertake some creative accounting.

However, it is not only money that makes a difference in leadership support. The company’s culture committee members need to fulfill their work responsibilities. It is entirely up to members how much effort they put into preserving the corporate culture. Leadership support shows that the committee’s efforts are worthwhile. The support demonstrates acknowledgment that the committee’s jobs benefit the company’s culture.

5. Dedication

An organization’s culture committee’s output tends to be easier to notice than its input. By working themselves into the DNA of a company’s culture, the committee can influence processes, from team-building activities to the company’s basic values to even the onboarding. However, this situation requires significant time and effort.

As committee organizers, one of HR’s roles will be to clarify the time commitment required. Before joining, each member of the company’s culture committee should understand the level of dedication expected. There is no guilt in rejecting a candidate who is not a good match for the team. There will be limitations on what you can do if a committee member cannot put in the required effort and dedication.

6. Good policies and guidelines

Even if your committee comprises people who are really committed to promoting workplace culture, that dedication might mean little if they cannot bring new ideas to fit the culture committee meeting agenda. Even if you have a plethora of drivers who are eager to contribute to the development of culture, stagnancy is still a problem. The dynamism of fresh ideas and the sparkle of creative thought are the lifeblood of culture. If you want to maintain a healthy committee, you need regulations in place to prevent members from overstaying their tenure. This system will ensure new workers can join.

When putting up a committee, It is crucial to note that culture changes constantly. Of course, the committee’s efforts will play a role, but so will the natural course of events. In part, this is because the vitality of culture is constantly contingent on the company’s demands.

A company’s culture committee must thus be in constant communication with other employees to keep tabs on shifts in the culture’s demands. However, if your committee is well-equipped, it will ensure that culture flourishes.

Company culture committee best practices

If you have decided to launch your company culture committee, the following are best practices to consider:

1. Note the team’s demographics

You should know your team’s demographics before beginning a committee. This knowledge will ensure adequate representation. You can identify the demographics by sending out a survey.

This information from the survey will help you fill up your committee, as you will be able to notice any intriguing patterns. Be sure to take a closer look at your company’s diverse constituencies. A few examples include female managers, administrative personnel, long-tenured workers, and new hires, as well as ethnic groupings. Regardless of how you decide to strike the right balance, build a committee that represents your company. Also, avoid making this decision hastily.

It is important to have a committee with a wide range of experience so that your firm may benefit from the richness of ideas that come from a diversified range of perspectives.

2. Secure leadership support

A culture committee is doomed to fail unless it has the support of the company’s executives. A senior executive, such as the CEO or CHRO should sponsor the team. This executive should commit to discussing your results with the organization ongoingly, both officially and informally. Executive reports should include goals and successes. You should ensure that leadership is willing and committed to executing the change proposals.

3. Get volunteers

Volunteers are the best way to start a committee. You should look towards employees with a natural interest in improving the organization for their coworkers. After that, determine underrepresented voices based on your demographics. You should be ready to explain why you think the employee would be a good addition to the company culture committee.

While at it, you need to create a detailed explanation of the culture committee goals and responsibilities. The document needs to include details like the committee member’s tenure, selection criteria, and meeting times. Employees may fill out this form to show their interest in the company’s programs. You should let your employees know about this opportunity. You can also make culture committee announcements during meetings to keep employees aware.

4. Work with other departments

Other company departments should get regular updates while you search for volunteers. Focusing on culture from a leadership standpoint is great, but it can also hinder gaining participation from other employees.

After deciding to form a committee to address corporate culture issues, talk to other executives about how they would want to participate.

6. Establish a process and draft a charter

You can get a template online to outline the committee’s purpose and how it will work. Determine the length of each member’s tenure and the procedure for adding and removing committee members. The terms and conditions should be in writing.

As soon as your charter is in place, you should document your committee’s objectives and the process of communicating processes with your executive sponsor. As a committee member, you should be reporting to your sponsor at least once a quarter, if not more often. You want your committee’s update to be in the official leadership update as a reminder.

7. Measure and evaluate initiatives

Measurement and evaluation involve checking how well the culture committee’s activities are going. The committee sets clear targets, like making employees happier or more engaged. Then, the team uses special tools, like surveys or employee feedback, to see if they are hitting those targets. By doing this process regularly, the committee can figure out what is working well and what needs to change.

8. Document plans and activities

Documentation helps keep track of all the activities and initiatives the culture committee plans. The team writes down their plans, event activities, and employee opinions. This journal helps the committee remember what worked and what did not in the past. This documentation also helps the group communicate and explain to others, like the company’s leaders, what they have been doing to make the workplace better. This way, all stakeholders can see the progress the committee has made and their impact on the company’s culture.

Sample meeting agenda

Company culture committee meetings should aim to improve the workplace environment and foster community spirit.

To get you started, here is a sample meeting agenda for a company culture committee:

1. Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes)

  • Chairperson welcomes attendees
  • Quick round of introductions for new members

2. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes (5 minutes)

  • Briefly go over the minutes from the last meeting
  • Address any outstanding action items or follow-ups

3. Committee Goals and Objectives (10 minutes)

  • Review the mission and objectives of the culture committee
  • Discuss progress toward achieving goals and identify any challenges

4. Upcoming Culture Initiatives (15 minutes)

  • Present and discuss any upcoming events, programs, or initiatives
  • Assign responsibilities for planning and execution
  • Set timelines and deadlines for each initiative

5. Employee Feedback and Ideas (10 minutes)

  • Share feedback and ideas collected from employees
  • Brainstorm potential improvements or new initiatives based on feedback

6. Communication and Promotion (10 minutes)

  • Discuss strategies for promoting culture initiatives within the company
  • Plan how to communicate updates to all employees effectively

7. Budget and Resources (10 minutes)

  • Review the committee’s budget and available resources
  • Discuss any funding needs for upcoming projects

8. Training and Development (10 minutes)

  • Explore opportunities for committee members to enhance their skills or knowledge related to culture-building
  • Determine if any training or resources are required

9. Open Floor for Additional Ideas and Concerns (5 minutes)

  • Allow committee members to raise any additional matters or suggestions

10. Next Meeting and Action Items (5 minutes)

  • Schedule the next meeting, confirm date, time, and location
  • Summarize action items and responsible parties

11. Closing Remarks (5 minutes)

  • Thank members for their participation and contributions
  • Encourage ongoing collaboration and engagement

12. Adjournment

This sample meeting agenda can serve as a template for your company culture committee meetings. To fit your specific needs and priorities, you can customize this template in any way you wish.


A company must not only focus on making a profit but also on doing good for other people and the environment. With the strength of your workplace culture, you may align your business’s short and long-term objectives. Your company’s success may help your community and the globe at the same time by promoting volunteerism or encouraging the growth of your local economy. Regardless of how you and your cultural committee decide to meet the company’s goals, make sure it resonates with your company’s entire culture and values.

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FAQ: Company culture committees

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about company culture committees.

What is the purpose of company culture committees?

The purpose of committees focused on company culture is to promote, review, and refine the company’s culture.

What are the benefits of culture committees?

Some of the culture committee benefits include better company reputation, good representation of employee interests, and progress with the company’s culture.

How do you start a corporate culture committee?

You can start a corporate culture committee by setting the committee’s purpose, getting volunteers, ensuring leadership sponsorship, and creating a budget.

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People & Culture Director at
Grace is the Director of People & Culture at She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.


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